What was Carlito's best match? (or matches)

one of the best matches of Carlito i think like someone posted earlier, was in his debut on smackdown, he beat cena for the us title... i think it was october 2004...before cena started the superman mode ( the one he still has today...)

and one of his best promos has to be when he was away from tv like for 4 months or more and returned to criticize john cena and owned his ass right there, it was on 2009, a little time before he was released... the good thing about the promo it was he said what the mayority of the people think and wanna say to cena, that he's crap and it's worthless (except for selling merchandise...)


i love this promo...

i don't know if in the forums you can post links from youtube, in case it is forbidden let me know and i will delete the link...
